General information
The Representative for Equality at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw provides assistance in situations requiring support or advice in counteracting discrimination and respecting diversity and equality among the Faculty community.
The scope of tasks of the Equality Plenipotentiary at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw includes:
- Cooperation with the authorities of the Faculty in the field of counteracting discrimination, shaping an atmosphere of equality and respect for diversity, and caring for an equal atmosphere in the daily life of the Faculty.
- Providing students and employees with information about the support system at the Faculty and the University of Warsaw.
- Informing about equality courses and trainings available at the University of Warsaw.
- Collecting information on good equality practices at the Faculty, information on research and statistics on this subject and transferring them to the main equality specialist at the University of Warsaw and the academic ombudsman for student and employee affairs.
- Dissemination of good practises in the field of equality and counteracting discrimination in the faculty.
- Dissemination of University equality and related activities (e.g. anti-mobbing) at the Faculty.
- Being a “point” of consultation and contact in matters of discrimination at the Faculty.
- Cooperation with the main equality specialist and with the academic ombudsman for student and employee affairs.
- Participating in training and University networks with Equality Plenipotentiaries in other units.
The function of the Representative for Equality at the Faculty of Management of the University is performed by Dr. Karolina Łudzińska, who can be contacted by e-mail: k.ludzinska@uw.edu.pl
Useful links:
- Anti-discrimination Guidebook for Students and employees of the University of Warsaw
- Guide to the Prevention of sexual harassment at the University of Warsaw
- https://rownowazni.uw.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/sites/105/2022/07/GEP-ENG_-FIN.pdf – Gender equality plan at the University of Warsaw
- http://ombudsman.uw.edu.pl/en/start/ – Contact and free support in cases of conflicts, discrimination and mobbing for all people working and studying at the University of Warsaw
- https://www.facebook.com/rpsuwa – profile of the Student Rights Ombudsman on Facebook
- Psychological Help Centre of the University of Warsaw – an initiative of the University of Warsaw for working and studying people who experience various types of mental problems, depressed mood, etc. The Centre cooperates with the Office of Persons with Disabilities.
- Legal Aid at the University of Warsaw – Free legal advice provided by: Academic Legal Clinic and the Law Clinic of the University of Warsaw
We cordially encourage and invite anyone who studies and/or works at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw to take advantage of the e-learning course devoted to the issues of equal treatment and antidiscrimination. The “Understanding Equality” course contains practical information on what unequal treatment is, what are its manifestations, and what to do when we witness it or when we experience discrimination. The course is modern and interactive. After completion of the course, you can download a certificate confirming knowledge in the field of equal treatment.
The “Understanding Equality” course for Warsaw University employees is available in Polish and English on the Kampus-employee e-learning platform in the category: “Trainings available to all employees”.
For students, the “Understanding Equality” is available as OGUN every semester. Contact: kubisaj@is.uw.edu.pl – dr hab. Julia Kubisa prof. University of Warsaw, Rector’s Plenipotentiary for the Policy of Counteracting Discrimination and Sexual Harassment.