The IT Centre is located in room C319 and operates from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Our staff ensures the reliable operation of the computer network at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, and all devices connected to it.
Report a failure
Employees who want to report any failure (or suspicion) of computer equipment or network services are asked to send it to the e-mail address of the IT Centre: ok@wz.uw.edu.pl. Reporting by e-mail will ensure that it is directed to the appropriate person, and therefore appropriate actions will be taken immediately.
Reporting an issue to another person may significantly lengthen the procedural path before the matter reaches the appropriate person, and consequently, the problem may be resolved much later.
Faculty services IT – Central services IT
Every student of the Faculty of Management is also a student of the University of Warsaw. During your studies, you will often need to use various central services IT. It is worth remembering that these are IT services for students of all faculties of the University of Warsaw, therefore they are administered only centrally by the appropriate IT department at the headquarters of the University of Warsaw. The IT Centre of the Faculty of Management has nothing to do with these services, and therefore has no influence on their operation and cannot make any changes to them.